Monday, 14 August 2017

Game Engine 14/08/17 - Console Module

One of the features that I wanted to enhance in the Engine overhaul was the Console.
In its previous version, the Console wasn't much at all, and the messages sent to it weren't readable, nor there was the ability to send commands from it.

This time, I've created the Serializable class, that implements serializing functions for the derived classes (such as the Message class). By doing this, I can now print to the console the contents of the messages in a human readable form. This also allows me to do the reverse process, converting text to a message. This allows me to input messages into the engine for debug purposes and other stuff like that.

I created a Windows Forms app for the console, which communicates with the Engine through a Named Pipe.

Here is a video of the console in action (the Engine window is still empty):

You can also see that I added a Filter numeric up down in the bottom right of the console. This way, I can filter the less important messages (such as MouseMoved) from the console. Each message type has a verbosity value describing how important it is (the higher the number, the higher the priority).

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