Friday, 9 September 2016

Game Engine - 09/09/16

Finally the shadow artifacts are gone and now I'm going to create LOD terrain and water.

I expect to make something like this:

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Game Engine - 08/09/16

I just finished deferred rendering and basic shadow mapping. Next I'm going to create skyboxes.

Here are some pics of the progress:

Shadow Mapping, 25 animated meshes (skeletal animation) and one directional light.
As you can see there are still some artifacts in the shadows

No Shadow Mapping, 25 animated meshes (skeletal animation) + 25 points lights
(Deferred rendering)

Just to let you know I have a public trello board where I update my progress frequently

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Game Engine - 07/09/16

So since the last time I posted the messages about Planet Rendering, I have been developing my game engine.

The 3D Graphics part is almost done, after i finish it i plan doing more advanced GUIs and then physics.

The engine framework is based on events and messages. There are multiple systems, for example, the Graphics, UI, GUI, Console (To debug), Physics, Network and Game Logic.

All of them communicate with each other by messages. For example, UI detects that the user pressed ESC, so it posts a message in the message bus saying that ESC was pressed. Then, the GUI system receives the message and knows that ESC means pause the game. So it opens the pause menu. It then sends a message to physics saying to stop everything.

Here is a diagram:
Resultado de imagem para game engine messaging

I will post some pics in the next post.